He is Awoken

One day, at 3 AM at night, police cars and fire trucks rolled up to a horrible fire. The location was Fazbear's Fright, a horror attraction inspired by the mysteries of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Minutes later, as the fire was weakening, a black muscle car rolled into the parking lot. A man walked out of it and examined the accident. A policeman asked him who he was. "Detective Jacob Schmidt" he said. Jacob stared into the flames, looking for a sign. "What are you doing?" said the officer. "Looking for clues," he said, "Sometimes you can find what you need by staring into the subject". "Okay" the policeman said, walking away. Suddenly, the detective heard a mechanical noise through the flames. Something's moving. Someone's alive. He turned to where the noise came from and saw a horrendous sight. What he saw was what appeared to be a yellow colored robot with two long ears, one of them broken. A rabbit. It's eyes were glowing white and pieces of the costume burned off as it walked towards Jacob. "Step out of the fire with your hands up!" he said. No reply. It just kept shuffling out of the fire. As the robot exited the inferno, a noise could be heard. "I'm still here". The robot closed in on the detective. It wanted to kill. It wanted to kill him. As the robot drew near, Jacob reached at his belt for his gun, a military grade Five-Seven pistol, and pointed it at the robot. "State your name if you can, you freak!" he shouted. "V-Vincent..." the robot said. Jacob thought for a second. "There's no way a human could survive something like this. Unless..." It clicked. The robot was posessed. The soul was the killer involved in The Missing Children Incident. Jacob saw no other option but to open fire. As he shot, blood drops came from the bullet holes. One clip later, it was still moving, almost to Jacob. He saw only one other option. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a holster, carrying a combat knife. He drew the blade and approached the robot. He then proceeded to attack the abomination. Piercing the shell on the robot, he relentlessly stabbed until it fell to it's knees. He then took his gun and put a bullet in all of it's body parts, including the head. No movement. It- no, he- was dead. Jacob then holstered his weapons and proceeded to his car. "My job is done", he said. An officer confronted him. "What kind of detective carries military grade firepower?!" Jacob looks at the officer. "One who's father has a history with the business. He backed out and drove off down the street. In his car, he looked at a picture of his father. He was wearing a security guard's uniform with a name tag on it. "Mike". He glanced at the photo one more time and said, "That was for you, Dad."